Teacher & Chaperone Expectations
Please be sure to review all of the information included below to ensure your students have a fun educational experience on their field trip at Guadalupe River Park & Gardens.

Teacher Expectations
Teachers/Leaders must indicate that they understand and agree to each of the following expectations:
- If I need to cancel my field trip, I will send a notification to education@grpg.org at least 45 days in advance of my trip date. Trips cancelled with 45 days’ notice can be rescheduled at no charge or refunded minus a $30 administrative fee. Cancellations made with less than 45 days notice are ineligible for refunds and will be charged a $30 administrative fee for rescheduling. Scholarship recipients who fail to give at least 45 days’ notice of a cancellation will lose eligibility for future scholarships.
- I will separate field trip attendees into three equal groups with at least one adult chaperone assigned per group before arriving at the field trip site.
- The drop-off/pick-up location for all River Field Trips is the bus loading zone west of Visitor Center at 438 Coleman Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110. The drop-off/pick-up location for all Garden Field Trips is the Heritage Rose Garden parking lot at 412 Seymour Street, San Jose, CA 95110. I will inform my transportation provider(s) of the correct drop-off/pick-up location for our field trip and make sure bus driver(s) are aware that they cannot remain parked in the bus loading zone.
- GRPC requires at least 1 adult chaperone for every 8 students. I will share and discuss the chaperone expectations as outlined by GRPC with my chaperones prior to arrival. I will do my best to ensure chaperones meet these expectations.
- I will instruct all field trip attendees to bring water and be generally prepared to spend at least 2 hours outdoors (i.e. wear weather-appropriate layers, a hat, sunscreen, long pants, closed-toe shoes appropriate for extended walking, etc.)
- I will encourage students to use the restroom prior to arrival since bathroom trips during program are disruptive.
- Snacks and lunches should not be eaten during the field trip, except for medical reasons, due to the disruption caused to the program. If my group is eating at the park before or after our field trip, I will ensure our trash is picked up and placed in the proper receptacle.
- Field trips start at 9:30am and end at 11:30am unless prior arrangements have been approved by the GRPC Education Program Manager. I understand paid GRPC staff are scheduled specifically for each field trip and therefore I will not expect any extension of program time should my group arrive early or late.
- GRPC field trips take place completely outdoors and are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather such as heavy, persistent rain or excessive heat. The Education Program Manager will contact me in the event of an unfortunate weather forecast and I can choose to cancel or reschedule my trip. Trips cancelled due to weather will be rescheduled at no charge or refunded completely.
Thanks in advance for your accountability in making sure these expectations are met.

Chaperone Expectations
Designated chaperones and leaders are expected to:
- Stay with their designated groups at all times and help the students engage in the field trip in a positive manner.
- Abide by the rules given during the field trip introduction, including only using cell phones to take photos. This includes not giving nor answering questions for students.
- Assist teachers and Guadalupe Guides during activities and stations by helping manage student’s behavior, ensuring all rules are followed, and letting students answer questions asked by Guadalupe Guides to enrich the students’ experience.
- Refrain from smoking any substances while in the park in accordance with San Jose city ordinances.
- Escort students to the restroom when needed.
- Assist students with placing their belongings and lunches at the location designated by Guadalupe Guides.
- Be prepared and able to spend 2 hours outdoors. We recommend bringing water and wearing layers for the weather, sunscreen, a hat, long pants, and closed-toe shoes suitable for walking outside.
- Keep anything found in Guadalupe River Park & Gardens exactly where it is and make sure students do the same. This includes, but is not limited to, plants, herbs, rocks, and sticks.
Still have questions?
Please email education@grpg.org