Are you a high school student, college student, or adult looking to make a longer-term commitment to helping the GRPC? Join our Education Intern team!
We view Education Internships as a partnership – ideally, your internship will help you just as much as it helps us!
We ask the following of our interns:
- Interns must be at least 16 years old.
- Interns should commit to at least six months regular service at the GRPC.
- Alternatively, interns can arrange to complete a special project at the GRPC.
- Interns that work with children have special requirements.
- Interns should be responsible and open to communication.
Does that sound like you? If so, read on to learn about our current Education Internship opportunities!
Please note: we have a small staff and want to make sure internships are meaningful to you and helpful to our organization. Reach out at any time, but please be patient if we aren’t able to immediately begin working on your project.
The time commitment for this position is 1.5 – 2 hours on a set day each work week, sometime between 9 AM – 4 PM (mornings preferred).
Our animals include two snakes, two lizards, one toad, two turtles, several fish, several crayfish, and insects. You do not need experience with these animals, but this role is probably not the best fit for anyone with a serious phobia.
Your duties include changing their water, feeding, keeping their enclosures safe and clean, providing exercise and enrichment, and more! This is a great role for someone who loves animals, is looking to get more experience with exotic animals, or is curious about a career working with animals. You should also be able to keep organized records of the care provided. We will provide you with all the training you need!
If you are interested, please complete this Animal Care Intern Application.