Beginning Environmental Explorers

Join us for BEE every Saturday at 10:30 AM (English) and 12:00 PM (Spanish)!

Come learn with us!

BEE is an enriching introduction into environmental science taught by Guadalupe River Park Conservancy’s environmental educators. This is a free, drop-in program and pre-registration is not required. Guardians must stay with their children and are responsible for their behavior for the duration of the program.

BEE is offered every Saturday in English from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM and Spanish from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM.

BEE happens rain or shine. The program held at the Rotary PlayGarden pavilion located at 438 Coleman Avenue San Jose, CA 95110.

Stay updated on themes and weather notifications by “liking” us on Facebook.

Who are these classes for?

BEE is specially designed for children ages 2 – 6. Lessons are specifically written to build on milestones of this age group taking into consideration cognitive, linguistic, social, and life skill development.

What's the buzz?

What are the classes about?
BEE curriculum is based on “Fostering A Sense of Wonder During the Early Childhood Years” by Ruth A. Wilson, PhD. The goals set out by Dr. Wilson are:
Goal 1: Develop an awareness and enjoyment of the beauty and wonder of the natural world
Goal 2: Become aware of the concepts of cycles, diversity, and interconnectedness of nature
Goal 3: Develop a sense of appreciation and respect for the integrity of the natural world
Goal 4: Develop a sense of caring for the Planet Earth and an understanding of how different types of pollution might harm the Earth
Goal 5: Develop an awareness that people are a part of the natural world, not separate from it
Goal 6: Develop an understanding of how to contribute to the wellbeing of the Earth

Topics are thematically chosen to correlate with current environmental changes and holidays.

What’s the process?
Sign-ups will be taken for that day’s program on a first-come, first-serve basis. All parties in a group must be present to register on the sign-up sheet. We cannot accommodate single groups (preschools, daycare providers, etc.) with more than 10 child participants. After 25 participants have signed up, registration will close and a “Class Full” sign will be displayed. No additional BEE participants will be permitted once this sign is posted.

This free program is supported by Santa Clara County Office of Supervisor Susan Ellenberg, North Santa Clara Resource Conservation District, and Northrop Grumman.